Bursting the Bubble

Today was an incredible gift!  The Spanish teacher at our intermediate school allowed Mason & I the chance to speak to each of her Spanish classes.  We talked about Guatemala - the culture, language, similarities & differences - and then began to explore the poverty that exists in the world, both near and far! 

This is exactly what I love about this project!  

The gift of travel, mission work, and sharing stories is the way to "burst the bubble" and allow our children the opportunity to think beyond themselves and their needs - to allow themselves to be a part of something greater!  And it is so necessary in our world!

I was beyond impressed with how they all paid amazing attention - both while I was sharing a bit of our story, a clip of the Living on One Dollar Movie about "Water from a Pipe" , - and holding a Q & A session.  Their comments and impressions gave me chills multiple times throughout the day as the children began to really "get it" and become excited about this project!  I think sometimes we forget that our school aged children can handle some of these topics and seem to embrace it easier than some of us adults!  Here is just a snippet of some of the comments that I had the privilege of hearing today - 

Favorite quotes of the day from 4th, 5th, 6th graders:

This is very eye opening! So, I was able to give $12 freely without thinking about it - and that is what a family would earn in almost a whole week!?
I am going to rake 3 peoples leaves this weekend to earn money to give to Hearts 4 Guatemala!
I am just thinking - I will easily spend $10 on a meal without even thinking about it - and these families need to feed their whole family on <$2 a day! Wow!
So this is like a “Make a Difference” project - but as a family! You saw a problem and are trying to help!

Muchas Gracias!  I am already looking forward to speaking next trimester and seeing who wins the class prize this trimester!

Señora H(e)art