Donate here to projects you learned about at poverty encounter

piteros garbage village fundraising campaign

Father Anton has a relationship with people who are literally living in the local garbage dump. Their entire families spend their whole life in the garbage. They are born in garbage, live in garbage, and perish in garbage. Collecting it and selling it for pennies on the dollar. They are slaves to the garbage.

As Father says “ there is no human dignity here”.

The community center is constructed! He has also purchased an honest scale and garbage compressor which allows people to receive more income from their recycled plastic. This project is a long and slow project that will need funding to make an impact for this community! The construction was only the first step - the services and ongoing needs will need continued funding!

Can you come alongside and help show this community that they matter!

Can you help us with the funds for this projects?

Click Here to Donate to Project Izabal

school sponsorship 2025

Each year we have supported students to attend school!

We are hoping to be able to continue to sponsor these children each year!!

$150 provides supplies, uniform, and enrollment fees

Any amount helps!

We pool all the donations to help as many students as we can!

Please continue to sponsor students at this school and help us to create opportunities for them!

sponsor a student for 2025 school year


This program was fully funded and the baskets are being delivered now!

Send a care package of food to a family in Guatemala to allow them to celebrate the holy-day with their families and traditional Christmas foods. We also have the options to send some larger food baskets as well to families who may need extra staples for their everyday cooking.

We will pool all the donations and try to provide as many baskets as we can!

Merry Christmas!

Days for girls Kits

Volunteers are going to Guatemala in February to bring more Days for Girls menstrual kits and teach about them in rural Guatemala. These kits are reusable, sustainable, and provide rural Guatemalan girls with the supplies they need for their cycles. This directly leads to more opportunity for education or employment for the women and girls who receive these kits.

Each kit can allow a child to attend 9 more week of school each year!

We need to fundraise for the materials to create them and transport them to Guatemala in February.
Can you help?

Donate to the days for girls project here

emergency food

The communities near the parish of Izabal, Guatemala have children and families living with severe malnutrition.

Padre Anton and Kathya have started a program of monthly food delivery of nutritious food to those who have the most severe malnutrition. These families are visited monthly and measurements are taken at the start and end of the program to show improvement. We have sponsored 6 months of this program and have worked with them to increase the nutrition content of the program to better manage protein-calorie malnutrition. This program is ongoing.

Donate here to help provide Medicine +Emergency food