H(e)arts 4 Guatemala

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Entrusted with MUCH

For everyone who has been given MUCH
- MUCH will be demanded - 


From the one who has been
entrusted with MUCH - 
MUCH more will be asked

LUKE 12:48

Per Merriam Webster - ENTRUST - means “to deliver something in trust to”


We are ALL given and entrusted to this world by an all powerful and providential God.

This all powerful and providential God was “delivered in trust” into this world by a simple sinless woman who was not even by her own societal expectations, in a position to have a baby. In fact, she could have been killed just for being pregnant out of a marriage. And in the society, Joseph could have been the one to have her killed! Can you imagine???

He was DELIVERED IN TRUST to the world

HE entrusted Mary and also Joseph with HIS life

in order to save ours.

Can you imagine the trust HE provided by grace to Mary and especially to Joseph to carry out this humble plan of saving the world? They were radical in their time. Jesus was radical.

He continues to entrust us today…

He entrusts us to play a vital role in HIS plan for the world, just like he did to Mary and Joseph. He entrusts us to share his vision and h(e)arts to make a difference in the world. He entrusts us to listen to his promptings, whispers, “god-incidences”, and seemingly chaotic happenings to guide us to the path that He destines for each of us. And each path is unique, different, and purposeful, and not a promise of prosperity. It comes with a promise of suffering. Entrusting us with redemptive suffering to be drawn closer to Him

If you had told me years ago that this was the path our life would take - and that we would be living a type of “distance-learning missionary life” - I would have thought you were nuts. But God’s plan is infinitely more amazing that I could have hoped or even come up with as an option to even pray for!

He turned infertility into a gift and a great lesson in faith. Infertility grew our respect and dependance on the teachings and importance of the Church that has stood the test of time. Our Church family has lead to deeper and more authentic friendships than I have ever experienced. He turned our path to parenthood into a story of joy, redeeming relationships, and the greatest gift we could have ever been given. He turned trying to grow our family, heartbreak, and a very traumatic failed adoption, into a clear path to having a large spiritual family in 2 different counties.

He entrusted us with it all - heartbreak, joy, suffering, healing, friendships, loneliness, doubt, trust, - all of it. He demands that we continue to seek Him, and we look forward to anything more that He asks of us.