H(e)arts 4 Guatemala

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Mad Dash!

"Whoever brings blessings will be enriched and the one who waters will himself be watered"

Proverbs 11:25

Mad dash to Guatemala - We just returned from a very short, action packed trip back to Guatemala to check on the projects, specifically the water project that has begun!  Thrilled to report that it is ahead of schedule - not quite on budget (as anyone who has done any home remodeling can relate to) - but it will be done properly and soon!  Shopping for materials, cleaning out garbage from the alley, and delivering food & clothing are just a few of the items that were crossed of our list! 

Joy - we set out to not only meet the physical needs but also be able to bring a little joy to this crowd.  We had the priveledge of taking a break and enjoying life with these special people by hosting a pinata party, serving a delicious meal, and taking them to jump on a trampoline which we are pretty sure was a first!  And what a fun - trust building party we had!

The joy was palpable and lovely to see!  Thanks to everyone's generous donations - these blessing we are able to provide, pale in comparison to the gifts, insights, and blessings that we receive from being able to complete these projects!

Feeling extra thankful that we have the ability to travel easily to check on projects, build relationships, and spread a bit of joy as well!  As we said from the beginning, this is a mission of our family - and we feel like God has placed us in exactly the right place at the right time to embark on this project.  I am sure that there are many twists and turns that will happen but I trust that it will lead us to exactly where we are to be! 

And because we are well into the World Series mentality in this part of the world - here is the instant replay of our trip and ESPN highlights: 

Roll tribe: